The deadline for filing and paying Value-Added Tax (VAT) is the 19th day of the month following the end of each taxable period, whereas ROS filers have an extended deadline until the 23rd day of the month (VAT returns must be filed via ROS).
The VAT3 Return records the Value-Added Tax (VAT) payable, or reclaimable, by you in your taxable period. You should register for VAT once the threshold is reached €37,500 services and €75,000.00 supplying goods
Timely and accurate filing of VAT Returns is of utmost importance to ensure your company adheres to its tax obligations. Maintaining proper Bookkeeping records will be an important basis for filing correct VAT Returns.
If McGowan Accountancy Services files your VAT return, please make sure to have all your documents submitted by the 10th of the month.
For more information contact McGowan Accountancy Services on (090) 66 25818.